Fate Saga is a fantastical, action animated series about a cleric who is trying to save her home from natural disasters.
She meets a knight who can see the future, and together they embark on a journey across the continent to the Magic School of Dero, where she can learn the magic she needs to save her town, and he can let Dero's powerful mages know about the oncoming apocalypse. But is knowing the future enough to change it? |
Fate Saga is now Live on Kickstarter!
I am excited to announce the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for my original project, Fate Saga! Fate Saga is a fantastical, action animated series about fate vs free will, and follows a healer who is trying to save her town from earthquakes. The campaign is to help fund the production of the first episode. Currently, the preproduction is mostly finished and the visuals for the first scene are done.
The intent of the campaign is to help raise a budget to expedite the production of the first episode, and comes with some cool rewards! Please feel free to share the project with anyone you think might enjoy it. Thank you so much!
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♬ original sound - SapphireDragonStudios