Fate Saga is a fantastical, action animated series about a cleric who is trying to save her home from natural disasters.

She meets a knight who can see the future, and together they embark on a journey across the continent to the Magic School of Dero, where she can learn the magic she needs to save her town, and he can let Dero's powerful mages know about the oncoming apocalypse.

But is knowing the future enough to change it?

14 May 2022

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  I like to try and get in a holiday Fate Saga drawing when I can, and who else would be a better candidate for a Mother's Day image than the only major character who is a mother?  Rori may not be Guile's mom by blood, but she's the closest to one that he's got.

It was an interesting challenge to draw Rori looking genuinely happy/laughing while still keeping her on model/in character.  The woman hardly ever smiles, and when she does it's usually cynical.  Guile's supposed to be about 3 or so in this picture.  I'm not sure if he's too small since Rori's a small lady (about 5'1-ish) to begin with. 

I hope you like it!